A6 to Manchester Airport Relief Road – Now Open
The A6 to Manchester Airport Relief Road is now open for traffic.
Construction of the A6 to Manchester Airport Relief Road commenced in March 2015 and lasted for approximately three years. The construction has included:
- 10km (6.2 miles) of new single and dual carriageway;
- Substantial ecological mitigation works (Great Crested Newts, Bats, Badgers);
- 1.2 million m3 of earthworks which will be balanced on site (therefore no fill material needs to be imported onto the site or any surplus material exported from site);
- 4 rail structures;
- 7 other bridges;
- 6 substantial retaining walls.
The Carillion Morgan Sindall joint venture has been appointed to undertake the detailed design and construction of the A6 to Manchester Airport Relief Road.
Carillion Morgan Sindall Joint Venture (CMS JV) are committed to working with Stockport, Cheshire East and Manchester City Councils to ensure that local communities are kept informed throughout the construction of the scheme about the works and how they may affect you.
We work within the framework of the Code of Construction Practice and Considerate Constructors principles to minimise impacts of construction activities on the local community.
Our team are dedicated to engaging with the community to raise awareness of the scheme and to make sure local people are the direct beneficiaries of the investment of the project.
Our Community Objectives are to:
- Ensure that the local community, road users and interested stakeholders are kept informed about the scheme
Keep local councillors and MPs fully briefed. - Provide appropriate channels for members of the public to contact the A6MARR project team on behalf of partner authorities and the contractor.
- Effectively manage and minimise disruption caused by our works.
These web pages provide further information about the construction of the scheme, how any impacts of construction works will be minimised and ways you can contact the A6MARR team to find out more.